Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Life news: Study finds that abortion inducing drugs fail twenty three percent of the tme

I have posted previously about the reasons the abortion industry is pushing chemical abortions.  Now a recent study has revealed that chemical abortions fail up to twenty three percent of the time.  As the linked article indicates, the very attempts by the abortion industry to implement chemical abortions increase the likelihood that the drugs will fail:

But, for Dr. Randy O’Bannon, the director of research and education for National Right to Life, there failure rates and need for surgical abortions present bigger problems for women.
"Those who have developed and promoted RU 486 have told women that the abortifacient offers them a way to have an abortion without the risk of surgery," he told
"Yet, the abortion industry’s efforts to tamper with the FDA protocol, changing doses, lengthening the gestational limits, shortening the time between the administration of [the two drugs] have decreased the ‘effectiveness’ of the drugs and put many of these women in line for surgical abortions after their chemical abortions failed," he said.
"Attempts to make the process more convenient for women, for the clinics, may help the industry attract more customers, but as this latest study shows, it exposes women to additional risks," O’Bannon continued.
"As long as the abortion industry puts its own profits and preferences ahead of patient safety, both mothers and their unborn children will continue to face danger behind clinic doors," he said.

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